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You can never have enough...
I am pleased to have the weather change confirmed. The bones have been yelling at me all night, so I knew something was in the air!

Indoor plant lovers among us?
Overcast & threatening to rain here so I made myself venture out & get that back lawn done; it was windy & cold so put on my ancient 3-sizes-too-big rain jacket & mowed the damned lawn in it - very thankful to have reached an age where I no longer care what I look like. Smile

I had that tomato soup last night, really yu7mmy so froze the bit leftover & will eventually make some more & add to freezer.

Came across a stunning image earlier on FB, might eventually have a bash at a painting similar to it.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(01-04-2022, 09:58 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I am pleased to have the weather change confirmed. The bones have been yelling at me all night, so I knew something was in the air!

Indoor plant lovers among us?
Lol, who knew that was how you got those valuable variegated plants  Big Grin
(01-04-2022, 10:15 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: Overcast & threatening to rain here so I made myself venture out & get that back lawn done; it was windy & cold so put on my ancient 3-sizes-too-big rain jacket & mowed the damned lawn in it  - very thankful to have reached an age where I no longer care what I look like. Smile

I had that tomato soup last night, really yu7mmy so froze the bit leftover & will eventually make some more & add to freezer.

Came across a stunning image earlier on FB, might eventually have a bash at a painting similar to it.
I made savoury bread and butter pudding with all the leftovers based on a day old sour dough roll, and boy was it a good  cook! I had seconds, it was so good!
morning ladies Smile What a bleak day we had yesterday, the sun came out for all of five minutes late afternoon.

lmao at the variegated plant, I love April Fools day. I think there were quite a few people caught out lol.

That hibiscus sounds gorgeous, roma. I'm not sure if we can grow them here in the Waikato or not. MIght be worth a try.

I've moved about half of the mulch and will do the rest this morning. The roses are still sitting in worm wee and water but I have found a home for one of them. My friend loves Graeme Thomas roses so has taken one for her garden. She had to leave her one behind when she sold her house. So the plan for today is to finish moving the mulch, enlarge the corner garden by a tad (to make the curve more even Tongue ) and plant the roses. We'll see if that all gets done.

Fingers and everything crossed I can work on the falcon today. Like mica, I'm having withdrawls lol.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Graeme Thomas with catmint at their feet, that was one delightful corner in one of my Blenheim gardens. Total joy twice a year! Same garden had scented white belladonnas which I wish I could find these days. Their perfume was wonderful in the evening, even better than my mad mirabilis that now live under my peach tree. Perfume adds such a gorgeous layer to our gardens...
Morning all
Clear skies,ies going to be a sunny day make up for the rain and cold yesterday

Quick food hunt yesterday and met up with a friend @ Spotlight to  atch up while she bought fabric Cool   the 10 meter bundles of cotton/bamboo  batting was half price so I grabbed one.

Finished 2nd sleeve of cardi yesterday afternoon while DS and CGS were visiting

Housework this morning then the sewing cave is calling to me.

Have a lovely day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Its sunny at present here.

Kiwimade we had a hibiscus growing in Thames when I was a kid so it might be possible where you are. And 40 years of global warming since then might make it even better.. Did I say that lol.

Ill have to look up the Graham Thomas Rose.. The only names I remember of the ones my Stepfather grew was Yabba Dabba do I think, it was a pretty yellow one and Dublin Bay which was a beautiful fragrant red climber. If I have them right lol.

My friend rang from Taranaki yesterday to keep me away from the painting to give my shoulder a break.. nearly 4 hours later it was tea time lol... but it worked. Ill paint again later.

MrP was in a good mood when I saw him. He even said that Bobbie needs to remember This is her home now... I could have danced lol.. So maybe its finally getting into his head too. He has met the new lady across the hall. I think she may have been there a while cos I've seen her somewhere. And the Man moved in next door after I left. He has met him too. But couldn't remember his name.

Happy crafting everyone

Have a fab day
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Hi there ladies - kiwimade mentioned "April fools" gags...the Otago Daily times always manages something which is almost believeable. Last year, it was plans for a new subdivision and marina with a canal to the sea at St Kilda beach, where the old Forbury Park trotting track is. This year, it was a plan to turn redundant Dunedin Railways carriages into trams, to run along George St!
I do have other cameras!
I would not only have fallen for that, I would support it, lol...
Went for our walk earlier today & on the way home we were accosted by the very enthusiastic pup down the road, who was thrilled to see us - it hasn't half grown since last time we saw it!
Not sure what kind of dog it is but i expect time will tell.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile whoahhhh we have a real pea souper here, the fog is really thick.

The mulch has been dispersed much to the delight of the blackbirds we have in the garden and one rose planted. I've had to change my thinking where to plant the second one thanks to tree roots. I'll get that done shortly then I just have to wait for the garden to start dying off before I prune and cut back.

Pups grow really fast don't they, lilith lol. Our friend has a new pup and omg every time we see her I swear she has grown.

Daylight saving has mucked up the Furry One's internal clock this morning. He's not impressed I had an extra half hour in bed lol.

I need to work some more on the falcon today so will make the time.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Clear day here.

Our K9s did not receive the daylight saving memo so were up at 6am. However, they are currently all asleep on the big dog bed (aka our bed) . I will get up soon coffee then walkies.

Started baby floor quilt yesterday will quilt that today.

Sounds like everyone is gainfully occupied this weekend Cool

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning.

Lovely, sunny morning here ... yes, the pets' internal clocks will need a bit of tweaking!

The plan is to go out to a nursery and collect some plants (planting for someone else) ... might throw on the bikes and go on a ride while we are at it ... autumn is a good time for biking, as long as not too hot. We make the most of it, before winter weather dictates the days. Be good to get out, as yesterday we had visitors turn up in the morning and doggy sat in the afternoon, so our plans were thrown for the day.

But first doggy walk.

Have a great day.
Morning everyone

A right Royal Pea Souper here too.. Makes it feel very still and serene

The wee dog next door didn't get the memo either. Its the first time I've heard him crying, I thought it was Missy to start with cos she was up early too lol

I did 3 hours on the painting yesterday. Its coming along nicely.. I know MrP will love it... It might be a while before I do one for me tho. There's 46 colours and very few places of just one colour.. And its surprising how many greens and blues there are in it.

The Cricket is on Prime today at 1pm.. Cant wait. The final between Aussie and England.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Ms CoCo is not herself this morning, she is an old cat with one of those 'interesting' histories that I suspect is starting to wind her down. She woke at 2.30am new time and felt hunger pangs so jumped up and down on me, hoping for food I guess, but did not have the response she sought. So we both slept in this morning.

A day lying in a sunny spot might help her feel better, but I shall just take things slowly. Just as well I potted up the stairway pots yesterday, bluebells under the blue cinerarias, in blue and white pots, should be pretty if the caterpillars can be fought off till the chilly days come. I just have a couple of big hydrangea pots to sort out before then, into the garden I think rather than back into pots. The smaller pots are easier to manage, and the hydrangeas need to let their roots travel beyond the confines of even those big pots.

I do like Sundays...
The dog is not having a good day'; the human just would not get up at the usual time & stayed in bed an extra hour, despite the best efforts of the dog - which included theatrical sighing, & fidgeting about shifting position, meaningful glances at the clock & the odd put upon sigh for good measure. Smile

But worse was to come - heading off for an early walk we went the long way for a change & had got quarter of the way when an unaccompanied dog came into the park from the other end.
It spotted us & came at us full tilt - I was for heading back but the dog wasn't so keen till she clocked the other dog's speed & her ears went back & she headed for home at a great rate of knots. Hadn't realised we could move quite so fast!
Thankfully something must have caught the other dog's attention or we probably wouldn't have made it unscathed.
She's having a wee sunbathe out in the yard now to recover.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(03-04-2022, 11:28 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: The dog is not having a good day'; the human just would not get up at the usual time & stayed in bed an extra hour, despite the best efforts of the dog - which included theatrical sighing, & fidgeting about shifting position, meaningful glances at the clock & the odd put upon sigh for good measure. Smile

But worse was to come - heading off for an early walk we went the long way for a change & had got quarter of the way when an unaccompanied dog came into the park from the other end.
It spotted us & came at us full tilt - I was for heading back  but the dog wasn't so keen till she clocked the other dog's speed & her ears went back & she headed for home at a great rate of knots. Hadn't realised we could move quite so fast!
Thankfully something must have caught the other dog's attention or we probably wouldn't have made it unscathed.
She's having a wee sunbathe out in the yard now to recover.
I slow roasted some tomatoes and onions yesterday after reading your recipe. I did them in that New World Kitchenaid pie dish that is way too big for me to use very often, and it was perfect for the purpose. The perfume was wonderful and they caramelised beautifully. So well in facr I plonked a big spoonful into my vegetable pasta dinner and the results were extremely delish. I may do a repeat performance tonight. They may not survive to soup stage...
My mum used to roast tomatos and onions in a dish when we were kids ... sometime during the cooking she added chunky bread bits and grated cheese on top .... delish! That was probably in the days we had a million tomatos on tap  Big Grin
These are the last of the beefsteaks, some needed a bit of judicious cutting, the caterpillars are racing to eat their way to adulthood before the chill. I have only ever roasted tomatoes as part of some other dish, this exercise has been a revelation. They are so good!

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