(01-11-2021, 11:20 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Okay.Put up the picture? At the bottom of the page, just above the "post reply" button, is a new section called "attachments". There is a "choose files" button, which will take you to your computer, so you can select a picture. I made my picture quite small, 640 x 480 pixels. Away to the right of choose files is the "add attachment"  button - press this after selecting your picture. Then choose "insert into post", and then "post reply". The picture you see is a thumbnail - click on it to enlarge.
How did you do that? Teach me!
This is a Topcon Wink Mirror E - so called because it had an instant return mirror, and a built in light meter. This was a profoundly unreliable camera - I once owned 3 of them, bought dismantled. I failed to assemble one working one from the parts...some of the parts were not interchangeable between cameras.
If you wish to see a professional repairman struggling with one of these cameras, here is Dunedin Kodak repair wizard Chris Sherlock's video
A few years ago, an acquaintance asked me to look at a "Leica" camera he had just bought. What he had bought was a Russian camera, a FED, which had the chrome polished off it, and fake engravings and snakeskin cover added.
I do have other cameras!