(29-04-2022, 02:39 PM)Magoo Wrote: i dont want to see genuine cases vilified. its just that i dont believe there to be more than a few.Well I think the most sensible comment from that lot is the quote from Rizzo... 
if i see a couple of people not wearing one rom time to time i can assume they are a genuine case
it would be better for them if they were wearing an oxygen mask and tank anyway for their emphysema that is so crippling.
but i know it wont be the minuscule few who genuinely need it, i know its going to be half and half in any given location., so do you.
anything else is just rainbow coloured unicorn poo.
at least half and half, you know this to be true. its both disingenuous and naïve to expect anything less.
i know a line of bullshit when i hear it, and 'exemptions' to a health initiative is bullshit. 'Excuses' might be a better name, thats what they are.  'Cant breath'[ my lily white arse, theyve plenty of air when it suits..
i'll wager not one person is penalised for forging or copying or misusing their passes. not one person.
be sure to rub my nose in it if im wrong.
i wont be.
I think it has to be that no one has to wear them.
rewarding a bunch of wowsers for being hopeless is the same as punishing those that comply.
wear them or not wear them.
everyone or no one.
Quote:king1baaaaahaahahhaahahaahahahaaaa.!! rofl
It is providing legal protections to the mask exempt, whilst also providing legal remedies against those that misuse it.
The Friday funnies.
yes, the police will set up a flying squad for misusers.
its not just me. everything i say is common knowledge. 
this doctor is from the CDC in the states.
he gives some very good advice to those compromised folk who wish to mix and mingle.
this might be your lucky day. i did 45 seconds of research and found this esteemed fellow who might have read my mind our conclusions are so close.
Quote:People with underlying chronic lung disease, such as COPD or asthma, should be able to wear a non-N95 facial covering without it affecting their oxygen or carbon dioxide levels," Dr. Albert Rizzo, chief medical officer for the American Lung Association, told ABC News, adding that "masks have no detrimental effects, even in patients with chronic lung disease."
When asked if people who have difficulty breathing with a face mask on should be exempt, he stated: "There are many different facial covers or even shields that could be worn instead, if one cannot tolerate the conventional face mask."
Quote:Rizzo said "cases of exemption are very few and far between," and "people with supplemental oxygen or compromised respiratory status which become short of breath even when walking might meet criteria, which in that case, going out in public is a health risk to the person."
i rest my case.
Quote:people with ... compromised respiratory status which become short of breath even when walking might meet criteria, which in that case, going out in public is a health risk to the person."
Why the heck do you think these people would do so unnecessarily?  it is far more of a risk to themselves going out in public than it ever will be to you, pretty sure they won't be doing so on a whim... 
Now, how would you make the distinction between a genuine case and someone who is rorting the system I ask? personally I don't think you can without invading someone's privacy...
But it is kind of important point to consider because, as I mentioned earlier (which you chose not to take seriously), the new framework will apparently give legal disability status to the mask exempt.   That would probably put it in the same category as discrimination on religious grounds, family, sexual orientation, disability etc - none of which, I am sure you would agree, are healthy attitudes for normal people to entertain...
As to whether the police are interested or not I guess time will tell, I was under the impression it was more so a complaint to the Human Rights commission, how much teeth they have is another matter as well, but in my mind, why would anyone in their right mind want to be the subject of a Human Rights complaint anyway...
The world would be a perfect place, if it wasn't for the humans.
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