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Adding images and other attachments to posts.
Adding Photos
There are two methods of adding images to your posts, based on where the images are stored...

Online images - For example Facebook, Twitter, Blog or other websites
  • Use the 'Insert an Image' button in the full editor toolbar.┬á These are not limited by dimension or file size but you can optionally set a Width and Height for the image. Simply paste the URL of the online image and select insert.
  • Beware of linking to some┬álow profile┬áimage hosting websites. Should the website go belly up, the images will disappear...
Offline images - For example photos stored on your computer, laptop, pictures folder etc
  1. These images need to be uploaded to the messageboard.  
  2. Find the Attachments section of the 'New Post' window or as a 'Full Reply', located immediately below the full editor. 
  3. Select the 'Choose Files' button which will open a file explorer window on you device.  Choose the file (or files) you would like to upload.
  4. Complete the upload by pushing 'Add Attachment' on the right. 
  5. Next you can choose whether to 'insert into post' or attach it to the post 
  • Make sure the cursor is located where┬áthe image is to be┬áinserted
  • All attachments have size limits depending on the file type ie JPG is 2MB ┬á
  • For security reasons only certain file types are allowed
  • Until we trust you┬á Big Grin┬á┬áonly Recruit level and above can add attachments i.e. the┬áTrusted user group.┬á
Resizing images before uploading.
For Windows: 
there is an image resizer in the power toys package

For Mac:
[Can someone please provide a quick and easy instruction or tool built into mac]

Other options:
  • There are any number of online resizers e.g┬á
  • If feasible you could take┬áphotos again with a reduced DPI or Megapixel level

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